Safety is first that is fundamental to our culture. In order to prevent construction accidents and guarantee that its project is always carried out in an environmentally friendly.
The company has followed the project, local, regional and international HSE rules and regulations. Therefore, it is the Policy of the Management of the company to do what is reasonably practicable to prevent personal injury, damage to property and harm to the environment, and to protect everyone from the foreseeable hazard and danger, including the public, in so far as they come into contact with the company or its activities.
The line management shall ensure that this policy and associated documentation, is brought to the attention of all company employees at all locations with whom relevant consultation will take place.
To achieve this, Bongshai Engineering management and staff will:
- Demonstrate leadership and commitment through all managers and supervisors.
- By continually monitoring and improving KPIs, strive to achieve an accident-free workplace.
- Provide and maintain a safe work environment, including work conditions, practices, and procedures for all employees and persons who come into contact with Bongshai Engineering
- Develop awareness throughout Bongshai Engineering through initial and ongoing education, training, and supervision of all employees and contractors.
- Take all practicable steps to eliminate hazards within the workplace through hazard identification, risk assessment, control, and monitoring to ensure ongoing effectiveness.
- Comply with all applicable health and safety statutory requirements as a minimum.
- Strive to improve occupational health and safety management continuously.
- Involve all our people in occupational health and safety management through consultation and contribution to identify hazards in the workplace, assess and control risks, and participate in the review of health and safety performance.
- Ensure that all incidents are reported, recorded, and causes identified, and where injury or illness occurs, help our people to achieve full recovery through prompt treatment and injury management.
- Allocate appropriate resources to meet the commitments of the policy.
Employees also must take care of their health and safety and that of others affected by their actions at work. To achieve this, each employee is required to:
- Comply so far as they are reasonably able with safety procedures and directions are given by the employer or its authorized representatives.
- Not willfully interfere with or misuse items or facilities provided by Bongshai Engineering in the interests of the safety and health of our employees.
- Must, under agreed Bongshai Engineering procedures, report hazards and accidents.
- The success of our organization depends on our reputation for providing quality products and
services in a safe and timely manner. Health and safety must be incorporated into all facts
of our operations.
Through open lines of communication, objective discussions, and cooperation between workers,
supervisors, management, the Joint Health and Safety Committee and other outside parties, our
objectives of a workplace free of hazards, injury, and illness can and will be achieved.
This signed statement of policy will be displayed at all relevant work locations.